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For a long time I was a professor and share some knowledge was my main goal.


I created this page to share some presentations used on my classes. May you find something useful on such material? I don't know but I'm pretty sure that this sort of stuff can be usefull for someone.

Usually, with few exceptions, my classes/Talks were related to Game Development but you can also find classes related to business, general design and general programming.

All classes uses a different format and language according to the context and target audience.


UNESA - Princípios da Animação (Animation Principles)
UNESA/Magus Ludens - Game Design
UNESA - Design e Multimídia (Design and Multimedia)
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
UNESA - BI - Business Inteligence
UNESA - Advergames
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07
UNESA - Level Design
UNESA - Teoria da Percepção (Perception Theory)
01 | 02
NAVE - Lógica de Programação de Jogos (Game Programming Logic - Unity3D) feat Fernando Ribeiro
NAVE - Técnicas de Programação (Programming Techniques - XNA) feat NAVE Professors
01~05 | 06~10 | 11~15 | 16~20 | 21~25 | 26~30 | 31~35 | 36~40
NAVE - Programação I (Programming) NAVE Professors
Uncategorized Stuff


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